Directory of International Alternative Medicine Cancer Treatments
Cancers Treated: Breast (metastatic), Colon/Rectal (metastatic), Lung (metastatic), Ovarian (metastatic), Prostate (metastatic)
Summary: Artemisia annua is an annual herb most commonly known as Qinghao. It naturally grows in the steep hill vegetation of Central China at altitudes between 1000-1500m. It has been traditionally used to treat fevers and hemorrhoids. It is now used as a treatment for cancer.
Description: Artemesia annua has to be grown each year from seed and is peculiar in its behaviour. The agricultural condition has to be right in order for artemisinin (the active constituent) to be synthesized by the plant. The plant can grow in many places but may not contain artemisinin.
It is reported that the best results have been obtained from plants growing in the Sichuan province. The plant needs to be harvested before the flowering starts since it decreases the content of artemisinin.Artemisinin (Qinghaosu) is extracted from the dry leaves of Artemisia annua and is found to be effective in treating malaria.
Its molecular structure , when in contact with iron, results in a chemical reaction that is lethal. It works like a bomb. The malaria parasite inhabits a person s red blood cells, which are rich in iron. When an artemisinin molecule interacts with iron, it explodes, releasing lethal toxins that destroy the parasite.
It is thought that artemisinin may act in a similar manner with cancerous cells since they have more iron than normal cells. Several mechanisms of action are thought to be present. One is the transfer of an oxygen atom from artemisinin when encountering an iron atom causes the formation of a free radical intracellularly.
This causes molecular damage and may lead to cell death. Another mode of action is through alkylation. This is a process of transferring an Alkyl group from a chemical compound of artemisinin to an iron molecule thereby interfering with the DNA synthesis. Cancer cells need a lot of iron to replicate DNA when they divide. Because artemisinin is widely used as an anti-malarial, it has a track record of being relatively safe and causing no known side effects.
The present scientific data indicates that it may be a potent cancer-chemoprevention agent.
History: Qinghaosu was first mentioned in 2800 BC in ancient China by Sheng Nung for treating fever.During the Vietnam/USA war, the Vietnamese government requested help from China to combat malaria which was causing high mortalities among Vietnamese soldiers. The search led the Chinese scientists to an ancient silk scroll found in a 2nd century B.C. tomb.
The scroll entitled Recipes for 52 Kinds of Diseases mentioned the qinghao plant, which cured fever. The scientists thought it may be fever brought on by malaria, and from here they began their investigation.
In 1971 Qinghaosu was successfully isolated. Knowledge that the Chinese had Qinghaosu, concerned the Americans as it was a military advantage in the land war in Southeast Asia.
The US Authorities asked the Walter Reed Institute if Qinghaosu could be found in America. The investigative team found that Artemisia annua grew along the lower part of the Potomac River. Extraction was carried out and Qinghaosu was found at a concentration of 0.06% w/w. It was then named artemisinin after the generic name of the plant.
In 1994, Dr Henry Lai at The University of Washington heard of artemisinin from a colleague who had been to an anti-malarial seminar. After learning of its mechanism of action in malaria, it occurred to him that it could also be used to selectively kill cancer cells.
Dr Henry Lai and his colleague Dr Narendra Singh initiated an in vitro study of cancer cells supported by The Breast Cancer Fund with good results. Their next step was animal testing, resulting in similar success. Meanwhile The University of Washington patented their potential cancer treatment. Throughout their studies there were several exciting anecdotes of artemisinin treatments proving successful which spurred them on.
Notes: Be careful not to confuse Artemisia annua with Artemisia absinthium (called wormwood or common wormwood, absinth sagewort). Although they come from the same genus Artemisia, they are different species. It is the Artemisia annua that produces the artemisinin, which is used in cancer treatment.
There are several derivatives of artemisinin being developed by pharmaceutical companies in an effort to increase absorption, stability and toxicity. The three commonly used are artesunate, artemether and arteether which are all semi-synthetic. Artemisinin is the natural extract from the herb. Artemisinin and the semi-synthetic derivatives are absorbed and metabolised differently. Therefore, it must be discussed with a qualified professional, which one is best for you.
Unfortunately, counterfeit artemisinin is also available on the market. However this also occurs with the semi-synthetic derivatives.When using the natural extract one has to be sure of the source. Although natural extracts are being marketed, some have been tested and found to have very low artemisinin content only 5 to 10%. Some are also repackaged. A
sk your supplier when buying artemisinin if they have GMP (Good Manufacture Practice) certified by The SDA (Chinese equivalent of FDA). Artemisinin is available on its own, or as combinations of artemisinin, artesunate and artemether in dietary supplementation form. As stated previously, artemesia annua can grow anywhere but does not necessarily contain artemisinin.
The highest yielding found to be growing currently is only in China and Vietnam, which makes it expensive. In addition, artemisinin was originally used as an anti-malaria treatment.
Since malarial death is more common than cancer (annually, 1 in 5 children in Africa die of malaria according to WHO and about a million deaths worldwide), this makes the supply of artemisinin limited. Hence it is not widely reported as a cancer treatment.
Treatment Cost: ()
Treatment Package:
Weblink(s): Cancer Smart bomb
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Cancers Treated: Lung, Bowel, Stomach, Prostate, Breast, Oesophagael, Liver, Small cell Lung, Colon/rectal, Ovarian, Bone, Mouth, Throat, Vocal cords, Cervical, Pancreatic, Kidney, Brain, Lymphoma (metastatic), Melanoma (metastatic), Hodgkinsons Disease (metastatic), Leukaemia (metastatic)
Summary: An relatively inexpensive product, specifically formulated to assist cells with damaged respiration and is also a powerful antioxidant that targets free radicals, the cause of much cellular damage. It acts to detoxify the system also.
Description: Carctol is a blend of natural Indian herbs produced by Dr. Nandlal Tiwari from Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. The capsules contain Hemidesmus Indicus (roots), Piper Cubeba Linn (seeds), Tribulus Terrestris (seeds), Ammani Vesicatoria (plant), Lepidium Sativum Lin (seeds), Blepharis Edulis (seeds), Smilax China Linn (roots) and Rheumemodi Wall (roots).
Only in combination do these herbs have an anti-cancer effect helping change the pH of the body from being acid to being more alkaline. Carctol strengthens the immune system, supports the liver and kidney functions, and helps neutralize the toxic effects of chemotherapy agents, assists with digestion, weight gain and calming of the nervous system. The capsules are taken orally, four times a day along with a digestive enzyme.
Dr. Tiwari advises patients to have a vegetarian diet prohibiting the use of sour, acidic food and drink. Drinking 3-5 litres of filtered or boiled water is required to avoid constipation. A period of two months is needed before assessing Carctol s effectiveness. Carctol has to be obtained by prescription due to the UK classing some of the herbs as medicines. A doctor can prescribe this unlicensed medicine if it is believed to be of benefit for a patient
History: In 1968, a young man called Dr. Nandlal Tiwari was working with the tribal people of Assam, in India. He discovered that some of the indigenous forest herbs, when ingested, produced miraculous results. Dr Tiwari has since been continuously experimenting with the combination of this natural formulation among cancer patients.
Treatment Cost: 100 per month(UK pound)
Treatment Package: One month supply of Carctol and digestive enzymes
Weblink(s): Carctol official website
Telegraph newspaper on Carctol
Practitioners that offer this treatment:
Dr Andrew Young-Snell (Brighton, United Kingdom)
Dr Max Mackay-James (Poundbury, United Kingdom)
Dr Roger Lichy (London, United Kingdom)
Dr Pippa Harrold (Bath, United Kingdom)
Dr P.C Tatham (, United Kingdom)
Prof J P Randeria (London, United Kingdom)
Dr Rajendra Sharma (London, United Kingdom)
Dr Anne Curtis (St. Helier, United Kingdom)
Dr Milind Jani (Hove, United Kingdom)
Dr Rodney Adeniyi-Jones (London, United Kingdom)
Dr Nicola Hembry (Clifton, United Kingdom)
Dr Michael Wetzler (London, United Kingdom)
Dr Robert Jacobs (Verwood, United Kingdom)
Dr Rosy Daniel (Weston, United Kingdom)
Organisations that offer this treatment:
Health Creation (Clifton, United Kingdom)
Apthorp Centre- The (Weston, United Kingdom)
Litfield House Medical Centre (Clifton, United Kingdom)
Vision of Hope Clinic (The) (Brighton, United Kingdom)
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Cancers Treated: Brain, Bowel (metastatic), Breast (metastatic), Cervical (metastatic), Colon/Rectal (metastatic), Kidney (metastatic), Liver (metastatic), Lung (metastatic), Lymphoma (metastatic), Melanoma (metastatic), Hodgkinsons Disease (metastatic), Oesophagael (metastatic), Ovarian (metastatic), Pancreatic (metastatic), Prostate (metastatic), Small cell lung (metastatic), Stomach (metastatic), Leukaemia (metastatic)
Evidence Level: Well Researched [more info]
Summary: This treatment involves the use of a personalised vaccine to retrain the immune system to recognise cancer cells as a threat to the body.
Description: Dendritic cells are found in all blood vessels. These cells identify foreign substances, such as cancer cells in the body, process them and then help jump start the immune response to destroy them by bringing them to the attention of the T cells.
Often the dendritic cells are not very effective with this process.With Dendritic cell therapy, the patients own dendritic cells are treated and modified to be able to specifically train the T cells to attack and kill all cancer cells that have the same foreign substance on their surface.
History: The interaction between the cancer cells and the immune system was first recognized in the 1890s by a young New York doctor, William Coley. Dr. Coley found in a number of cancer patients that they had experienced spontaneous remission of their tumors after having contrated an acute bacterial infection.
He went on to treat his patients with bacterial cultures in the form of Coleys Toxins.This has lead to the development of cellular immunotherapy or Dendritic Cell Therapy Vaccines today.
Treatment Cost: ()
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Weblink(s): Information written by Dr.Julian Kenyon
Information on dendritic cell therapy
Information on dendritic cell therapy
Information written by Dr.Julian Kenyon
Practitioners that offer this treatment:
Dr Julian Kenyon (Twyford, United Kingdom)
Dr Jose Henriquez (, Mexico)
Dr Durenfeld (, Canada)
Dr Nasri (, Canada)
Dr Thomas Nesselhut (Duderstadt, Germany)
Organisations that offer this treatment:
ITL Cancer Clinic (Freeport, Bahamas)
Aidan Inc (Tempe, United States Of America)
Dove Clinic For Integrated Medicine (Twyford, United Kingdom)
Nasri Chelation Clinic (Barrie, Canada)
Institute of Tumour Therapy (Duderstadt, Germany)
Biocare (IBC) (Fraccionamiento Del Prado, Mexico)
Integrative Whole Health Clinic (IWHC) (, Mexico)
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Cancers Treated: Lung, Bowel, Stomach, Prostate, Breast, Oesophagael, Liver, Small cell Lung, Colon/rectal, Ovarian, Bone, Mouth, Throat, Vocal cords, Cervical, Pancreatic, Kidney, Brain, Lymphoma (metastatic), Melanoma (metastatic), Hodgkinsons Disease (metastatic), Leukaemia (metastatic)
Summary: Herbal tea that has been used by a vast number of patients, with many startling reported successes. The recipe came from an American Indian healer and appears to have results that exceed the apparent potential of its ingredients.
Description: Essiac is a herbal formula for cancer treatment developed by a Canadian nurse, Ren?e Caisse. It consists of four herbs: burdock root, slippery elm inner bark, sheep sorrel and Indian rhubarb root, used as a dietary supplement.
Essiac preparation is believed to inhibit tumour cell growth while enhancing immune response to antigenic stimulation. This may be especially valuable in immune-suppressed individuals.These herbs help normalize body systems by cleansing the blood, purging toxic build up, promoting cell repair and aiding in effective assimilation and elimination. When combined they are believed to have synergistic beneficial effects.
Burdock root (Arctium lappa) is one of the best depurative (blood purifying) agents in nature. It cleanses and eliminates impurities from the blood rapidly. It beneficially influences the skin, soothes the kidneys and relieves congestions of the lymphatics. It contains inulin, a powerful immune modulator.
Slippery elm (Ulmus Fulva) contains mucilage (principal constituent), which is responsible for its demulcent and emollient effects. When used internally, it causes reflex stimulation of nerve endings in the GI tract, leading to mucous secretion. It also contains tannin, which is responsible for its astringent properties.
It is rich in calcium, magnesium and vitamins (A,B,C,K). It nourishes and soothes organs, tissues and mucus membranes and is helpful to the lungs. Sheep sorrel (Rumex Acetosella) is rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements that nourish the glandular system. It contains silicon, a necessary element in nerves and the myelin sheath that protects them.
Indian rhubarb (Rheum Officinale) when harvested is rich in iron and can be used both internally and externally. In small amounts, this herb acts as a gentle laxative, purging the body, especially the liver, of waste and toxic matter. It promotes overall health and well-being, intestinal flora balance and healthy circulation.
History: In 1922, a patient whose breast cancer had been cured by a Native American Indian healer; spoke to Nurse Rene M. Caisse of an Ojibwa Indian herbal formula. From 1922 to 1978 Nurse Caisse helped thousands of people with her Essiac (Caisse spelled backwards) herbal supplement at her clinic in Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada. Although she refused payments for her services, she accepted donations to help support her clinic.
Nurse Caisse dedicated her life to using the Essiac formula and helping the suffering.In 1977, Nurse Caisse signed over all her rights to her original Essiac formula only to Resperin Corp Ltd. Dr Charles Brusch (President John Kennedys physician) of Cambridge, MA, witnessed the signing of the agreement between Rene Caisse and Resperin attesting that her original herbal formula was never revealed to anyone other than to Resperin.
Resperin gave her the assurance that she sought, namely, that Essiac be produced and distributed for the benefit of all. On May 29th, 1995, however, Resperin transferred the rights to Essiac and the corporation was voluntarily dissolved. Essiac Products Inc. now owns and manufactures the Essiac herbal formula and distributes through Essiac International. The herbs used to manufacture Essiac are grown in accordance with European standards.
Notes: Essiac may cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea if taken with food or soon after meals, proponents recommend that it be taken two or three hours after meals or at least one hour before meals.
Essiac was tested at both Memorial Sloan-Kettering (MSKCC) and the US National Cancer Institute (NCI) in the 1970s and was said to have no anticancer activity in animal systems. But the mixture remains worth investigating, not just because of persistent anecdotal reports, but because most of its identifiable components have individually shown anticancer properties in independent tests.
A number of companies now sell competing original Essiac in the form of a tea, but the authenticity of some of these formulas are open to question. It is very important to use a high grade fresh, properly manufactured essiac product. As with any product, if essiac is not manufactured correctly, or if the herbs used are old, the essiac blend will not be of any benefit.
Essiac must be made in small quantities with the freshest possible ingredients. It should not be made in large Vats in massive quantities. Essiac must be brewed in small batches and it cannot be made from tea bags. The herbs should not be older than 1 year old. Do not buy essiac that has all of the herbs mixed together in a bag or package.
Treatment Cost: 24.99 + postage(UK pound)
Treatment Package: 300ml bottle- 15ml in 30ml of water twice a day. Can be purchased as tablets
Weblink(s): I was Canada's Cancer Nurse
Essiac information
Essiac- native herbal cancer remedy
Clinic for Hope- The Story of Rene M. Caisse and Essiac
CamCancer Essiac summary
National Cancer Institute Questions on Essiac
Cancer Help UK Essiac
Organisations that offer this treatment:
Pacific Centre (Vancouver, Canada)
Center for Integrated Healing (Vancouver, Canada)
Utopia Valley (, United Kingdom)
Altramed Health Products (, United States Of America)
Argyll Herbs (Taunton, United Kingdom)
Clouds Trust (Liss, United Kingdom)
Bodykind (Chadderton, United Kingdom)
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Cancers Treated: Bowel, Stomach, Oesophagael, Liver, Small cell Lung, Colon/rectal, Brain, Breast (metastatic), Cervical (metastatic), Kidney (metastatic), Lymphoma (metastatic), Melanoma (metastatic), Hodgkinsons Disease (metastatic), Ovarian (metastatic), Prostate (metastatic), Leukaemia (metastatic)
Evidence Level: Well Researched [more info]
Summary: Probably the best known alternative cancer treatment, Gerson is a demanding regime of immune boosting and detoxification through diet and enemas.
Description: Gerson Therapy focuses on the role of minerals, enzymes, hormones and other dietary factors in restoring health and well being. It is a natural treatment that boosts your own immune system to heal itself.
Drinking glasses of freshly prepared juices daily, having a vegetarian diet of organically grown fruits and vegetables and eating whole grains are part of the daily regime. Coffee or chamomile enemas are recommended on a regular basis to detoxify the body. Various supplements and enzymes are modified to meet the specific needs of an individual patient.
History: Dr. Gerson s Therapy became known in the 1930 s as he was successful in treating a type of skin tuberculosis. He originally developed his diet to treat his own migraine headaches but then went on to use it to treat many other chronic and systemic diseases, including cancer.
Gerson believed that cancer disturbed the body s normal balance of sodium to potassium. This is usually already disturbed by today s modern diet. His therapy called for foods low in sodium (salt) and yet high in potassium, vitamins A and C and oxidizing enzymes. His priority was to eliminate the excess sodium in the body as this he believed was responsible for altering the cells chemistry and allowing cancerous tumors to grow.
Notes: Supplier of Gerson medications and literature01525 875739Advise on Gerson Therapy 001 619 685 5353U.S 1-888-4GERSON
Treatment Cost: ()
Treatment Package:
Weblink(s): Cancer guide information
Gerson Therapy by Charlotte Gerson
Gerson Research
The Gerson miracle film
Reset Button- a written account by John Hagger
A Cancer Therapy by Max & Charlotte Gerson
Living Proof: A Medical Mutiny by Michael Gearin-Tosh
A Time to Heal by Beata Bishop
Dying To Have Known (Trailer)
Gerson Therapy Healing News
The Beatuiful Truth Video
Practitioners that offer this treatment:
Ms Kathryn Alexander (Sunshine Coast, Australia)
Ms Chloe Gwynne (London, United Kingdom)
Ms Susan Allshorn (Alton, United Kingdom)
Mr Stephen Gamble (Melton Mowbray, United Kingdom)
Dr Charles Innes (London, United Kingdom)
Organisations that offer this treatment:
Gerson Research Organisation (San Diego, United States Of America)
Gerson Institute (San Diego, United States Of America)
Baja Nutri Care- inpatient facility (Playas De Tijuana, Mexico)
CHIPSA-Centre For integrated Medicine (Tijuana, Mexico)
Gar Hildenbrand Alternatives (San Diego, United States Of America)
Gerson Support Group (Esher, United Kingdom)
Healing Naturally Ltd (Birmingham, United Kingdom)
Wholistic Research Company Ltd (Royston, United Kingdom)
Gerson Health Centre (The) (Dobogoko, Hungary)
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Cancers Treated: Lung, Bowel, Stomach, Prostate, Breast, Oesophagael, Liver, Small cell Lung, Colon/rectal, Ovarian, Mouth, Throat, Cervical, Pancreatic, Kidney, Brain, Lymphoma (metastatic), Melanoma (metastatic), Hodgkinsons Disease (metastatic), Leukaemia (metastatic)
Evidence Level: Well Researched [more info]
Summary: The Gonzalez regimen is based on the role of enzymes in the body and consists of a special diet based around the patients metabolic type, supplementation with nutrients and enzymes along with detoxification. These are all given to enhance the liver s function which aids in the process of excretion and metabolic waste.
It is believed that toxins from the environment and food build up in the tissues, preventing the bodys innate defences from working properly and allowing cancer to develop. Gonzalez regimen is based on the theory that pancreatic enzymes assist the body to eliminate toxins that can lead to cancer.
Description: Each treatment protocol is individualised for each patient.Regimen for this therapy is:Diet, supplements, pancreatic enzymes and detoxification routines. Up to 130-175 capsules can be taken per day including nutrients as well as enzymes.Patients receiving chemotherapy and/or radiation are advised not to do this program during this time.
History: In 1906, a scottish embryologist Dr John Beard, first proposed that pancreatic enzymes, in addition to their digestive function, represent the bodys main anti-cancer defence mechanism. After his death in 1923 his work was largely forgotten.In 1981, Dr Gonzalez, as part of his studies, researched the use of oral pancreatic proteolytic enzyme therapy. During this time he also met Dr. William Donald Kelley who had been treating people with cancer for 20 years with a complicated nutritional therapy based on Beards enzyme therapy.
Treatment Cost: 2800(US dollar)
Treatment Package: Initial evaluation and time taken to design treatment.Does not include blood tests.Supplements 700 USD per monthRoutine visits 150 USDAll patients required to return every 6 months for evaluation 650 USD
Weblink(s): Information on Gonzalez Therapy
Gonzalez site
Practitioners that offer this treatment:
Dr Nicholas Gonzalez (New York, United States Of America)
Dr Linda Isaacs (New York, United States Of America)
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Cancers Treated: Prostate, Liver, Bone, Pancreatic, Kidney
Evidence Level: [more info]
Summary: High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, HIFU, is a non-invasive therapy that uses focused ultrasound to generate precise areas of intense heat to destroy tumours while leaving surrounding tissue unaffected.
This therapy has been studied for around 50 years with recent developments allowing use on tumours of the liver, kidney, bone, pancreatic, prostate and other areas. It has minimal or no side effects and can be safely repeated if necessary.
Description: High Intensity Focused Ultrasound or HIFU, uses high energy, high frequency, focused sound waves to destroy precise volumes of tissue within a tumour without damaging surrounding structures. This pulse of high energy ultrasound can be focused onto a single location the size of a grain of rice.
When directed at a delivery point, the temperature increases causing the fats (lipids) in the cell membrane to melt and the proteins to denature destroying a small volume of tissue. With the treatment of prostate cancer, targeting can be planned in order to preserve the vital structures around the glands that are involved in preservation of continence and erectile function.
HIFU treatment can stimulate the immune system which can, on its own, have an effect on tumours that have not been directly targeted.Small tumours can be destroyed in one session, but often large tumours require more sessions. In some cases there are advantages in combining HIFU with other medical treatments. Sessions are followed up with MRI scans to confirm tumour destruction.With HIFU, there has been no evidence of side effects.
Occasionally the skin is affected with a mild sunburn effect which clears up after a few days. The use of anaesthetic eliminates any discomfort allowing the patient to keep still during treatment.
History: Ultrasound transducers were first developed by P. Langevin during the 20th century. He used the piezoelectric properties of quartz crystal to construct the first submarine sonar.In the 1940 s, the first investigations of HIFU for non-invasive ablation were reported by Lynn et al. During the 1940 s and 1960 s important work was performed by William and Francis Fry at Illinois University. This culminated in clinical treatments of neurological disorders such as Parkinson s disease.
Using a set of ultrasound transducers, which were focused on an area to be treated, tiny biological lesions located deep within the cerebral cortex could be reached.Until recently, there have only been a few clinical trials of HIFU for ablation (although significant work in hyperthermia has been performed using ultrasonic heating).
This was perhaps due to the complexity of the treatment and the difficulty of targeting the ultrasonic beam non-invasively. Due to recent advances in ultrasound technology and medical imaging, there has been an increase in interest in HIFU ablation of tumours.
Treatment Cost: ()
Treatment Package:
Weblink(s): Cancer Research UK
What is Ultrasound? Ultrasound Therapeutics Ltd
Organisations that offer this treatment:
St Vincents Clinic (Darlinghurst, Australia)
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Cancers Treated: Bowel, Stomach, Prostate, Breast, Oesophagael, Liver, Small cell Lung, Colon/rectal, Ovarian, Bone, Mouth, Throat, Cervical, Pancreatic, Kidney, Brain, Lymphoma (metastatic), Melanoma (metastatic), Hodgkinsons Disease (metastatic), Leukaemia (metastatic)
Summary: Herbal treatments that have been used by vast numbers of patients, with many startling reported successes. Thought to have its origins in ancient American Indian culture, the ingredients have all been found to possess anti-cancer properties. Hoxsey used red and yellow paste to treat external cancers and a tonic for internal.
Description: Hoxsey Therapy is a concoction of herbal ingredients including Buckthorn bark, Cascara, Barberry root, Potassium iodide. It is named after Harry Hoxsey who formulated the herbal mixture. The preparation is used either directly on the skin (external) or drunk as a tonic (internal).
The external mixture is said to be selectively destructive of cancerous tissue and consists of a red and a yellow paste. The red paste contains antimony trisulfide, zinc chloride and bloodroot; the yellow powder contains arsenic sulfide, sulfur and talc. The internal mixture is a liquid containing licorice, red clover, burdock root, stillingia root, barberry, cascara, prickly ash bark, buckthorn bark and potassium iodide. This internal mixture is considered to be cathartic/cleansing and/or immune boosting.
The dose of the therapy varies depending on the specific needs of each patient and whether the cancer is internal or external.Harry Hoxsey considered cancer a systemic disease, however localised its manifestations might appear to be. The therapy aims to restore physiological normalcy to a disturbed metabolism throughout the body, with emphasis on purgation, to help carry away wastes from the tumours that he believed his herbal mixtures caused to necrotise.People often combine Hoxsey treatment with other approaches like Laetrile.
History: Harry Hoxsey a miner, developed a herbal formula that he believed was effective for the treatment of cancer. According to his autobiography, it was his great-grandfather, a horse breeder named John Hoxsey, who developed it in the mid-nineteenth century, out of grasses and flowering wild plants which John took from the pasture where a favourite stallion, afflicted with a cancerous growth, grazed daily until the growth necrotized.
According to Harry, John Hoxsey reasoned that the wild plants had caused the stallions recovery. He therefore concocted a liquid out of red clover and alfalfa, buckthorn and prickly ash (and other plants which John could not identify), gathered from the area where the stallion had apparently cured himself. Although he was not a doctor, Harry Hoxsey treated thousands of cancer patients. He opened his first clinic in Taylorville, Illinois, in the 1920s, but was forced to move to Dallas following hostile encounters with the local American Medical Association (AMA).
In 1949, he sued the Hearst publications, the AMA and Morris Fishbein, editor-in-chief of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), for libel and slander after a negative article. The judge found in favour of Hoxsey, but only awarded him $2. In the 1960s when he closed the clinic in Dallas, he gave the formula for the tonic to one of his nurses, Mildred Nelson, who reported that her mother had been cured of cancer at the Hoxsey clinic in 1946.
In 1963, Ms. Nelson set up a clinic in Tijuana, Mexico, where she and a full medical staff treated cancer patients. Ms. Nelson died in 1998, but the clinic is still operational and sees approximately 1200 patients annually for cancer and other conditions. Adaptations of the formula are being used by some naturopathic physicians in the US.
Notes: This therapy can be used for patients who have been treated with radiation and/or chemotherapy.Some of the ingredients in the Hoxsey formula can cause side effects. For example, buckthorn bark can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea if taken in large quantities. Cascara can cause diarrhoea.
Diarrhoea can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Barberry root administered to rabbits (dose unspecified) caused swelling of the kidney and cardio toxicity. Potassium iodide could cause adverse reactions in sensitive patients.
Treatment Cost: 3,500(US dollar)
Treatment Package: Doctors fees, life-time supply of tonic.Does not include additional x-rays, lab tests & travel costs (to mexico). Cost range from $400-800 us dollars.
Weblink(s): The Cancer Cure Foundation
The Cancer Cure Foundation
Hoxsey Therapy by Richard Walters
Links to information on-line
Organisations that offer this treatment:
Bio-Medical Center (Hoxsey Clinic) (Tijuana, Mexico)
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Cancers Treated: Lung, Leukaemia, Stomach, Prostate, Breast, Oesophagael, Liver, Small cell Lung, Colon/rectal, Ovarian, Melanoma, Cervical, Pancreatic, Kidney, Brain, Bowel (metastatic), Lymphoma (metastatic), Hodgkinsons Disease (metastatic), Brain, Kidney, Pancreatic, Cervical, Melanoma, Ovarian, Colon/rectal, Small cell Lung, Liver, Oesophagael, Breast, Prostate, Stomach, Leukaemia, Lung
Evidence Level: Well Researched [more info]
Summary: Hyperthermia is the application of concentrated therapeutic heat which is used to treat cancer. Body tissue is exposed to high temperature which can damage and kill cancer cells with minimal injury to normal tissue. There are several methods of hyperthermia including local, regional and whole body. Patients can also obtain a FAR infrared sauna for daily home use.
This treatment is effective when used in combination with radiotherapy, chemotherapy as well as with almost any other anti-cancer treatment and can assist with pain reduction.Other separately listed treatments, such as HIFU employ the same principals to weaken cancer cells.
Description: Hyperthermia is the application of concentrated therapeutic heat which is used to damage and kill cancer cells. The tumour cells are tightly packed together often restricting circulation making it sluggish. When exposed to heat, the tumour cell s vital nutrient supply and oxygen are cut off resulting in a collapse of the tumour s vascular system destroying the cancer cells.
Hyperthermia is effective on its own or can increase benefits when combined with radiation therapy or chemotherapy reducing dosages. Often this therapy can assist with pain reduction allowing for a better quality of life.Local hyperthermia is used to treat very small areas, such as a tumour. Heat can be applied from the outside using high-frequency waves directed at the tumour. Small areas inside the body can be heated using thin wire probes, hollow tubes filled with warm water, or implanted microwave antennae and radiofrequency electrodes.
Regional hyperthermia heats a part of the body such as a limb, organ or cavity. This can achieved by heating blood that has been isolated, removed, heated and pumped back into the same region in a process called perfusion. Magnets and other devices that produce high energy can be positioned over an area to be heated.
Whole-body hyperthermia is used when treating metastatic cancer that has spread throughout the body. This can be achieved by using warm water blankets, inductive coils, hot wax, thermal room or chambers to raise the body temperature. There are no known complications. Side effects may include local pain or skin discomfort. Occasionally hyperthermia can cause blisters or burns but these generally heal quickly.
History: It is shown on Egyptian papyri, that doctors in the Nile Valley around 5 000 B.C used heat as a therapy for tumours. The Greeks also recognised the benefits of heat treatment for medical purposes as the word hyperthermia comes from the Greek Hyper (to raise) and therme (to heat).
Scientists have long recognised that cancer cells are more sensitive to heat and that they break down at high temperatures. After the Renaissance, many reports showed that there were spontaneous tumour regressions in patients suffering from influenza, smallpox, malaria and tuberculosis, where the common factor was an infectious fever around 104 degrees.
In 1984 hyperthermia was given a legal status of an approved medical procedure in the US. The principals of using heat were widely understood but the technology was not able to direct the heat in a concentrated area. Today, controlling heating placement is applied using fine sensors and directional applicators using microwaves and computers.
Notes: Hyperthermia, whilst somewhat effective on its own, is best used as a supportive treatment, combined with orthodox chemotherapy or radio therapy, or with other alternative approaches. By combining hyperthermia with orthodox treatments, lower doses of drugs or radiation can achieve the same results as full dosages but with lower toxicity.
Treatment Cost: ()
Treatment Package:
Weblink(s): Cancer Back-Up- Hyperthermia information
Whole Body Hyperthermia Treatment
A big boost for Hyperthemia by Ralph Moss
Practitioners that offer this treatment:
Dr Jean Monro (Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom)
Dr Jose Henriquez (, Mexico)
Dr Hartmut Baltin (Aschau, Germany)
Dr Maurice Orange (Tonbridge, United Kingdom)
Organisations that offer this treatment:
Hufeland Clinic for Holistic Immunotherapy (Bad Mergentheim, Germany)
Kelowna Naturopathic Clinic (Kelowna, Canada)
Kroiss Cancer Center for Alternative Cancer Therapy (Vienna, Austria)
BioMed Klinik (Bad Bergzabern , Germany)
Nasri Chelation Clinic (Barrie, Canada)
Humlegaarden- Denmark (Humlebaek, Denmark)
Serafin Naturheilpraxis AG (Schweiz, Switzerland)
Aeskulap (Brunnen, Switzerland)
CHIPSA-Centre For integrated Medicine (Tijuana, Mexico)
Cancer Options Ltd (London, United Kingdom)
Klinik St. George (Bad Aibling, Germany)
Vision of Hope Clinic (The) (Brighton, United Kingdom)
Valley Cancer Institute (Los Angeles, United States Of America)
Breakspear Medical Group (Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom)
Paracelsus Clinic- Lustmuhle (Lustmuhle, Switzerland)
High Tree Medical Clinic (Uckfield, United Kingdom)
Nutrition Marketplace ( Kirkby in Ashfield,, United Kingdom)
Biocare (IBC) (Fraccionamiento Del Prado, Mexico)
Integrative Whole Health Clinic (IWHC) (, Mexico)
The Filderklinik (Bonlanden Near Stuttgart, Germany)
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Cancers Treated: Lung, Leukaemia, Bowel, Stomach, Oesophagael, Liver, Small cell Lung, Colon/rectal, Brain, Breast (metastatic), Cervical (metastatic), Kidney (metastatic), Lymphoma (metastatic), Melanoma (metastatic), Hodgkinsons Disease (metastatic), Ovarian (metastatic), Prostate (metastatic)
Evidence Level: Well Researched [more info]
Summary: Not intended to replace conventional treatment, Issels Therapy operates to simultaneously treat the conditions that lead to cancer by detoxification and supplementation in tandem with a wide regime of therapies aimed at treating the whole person.
Description: Holistic Comprehensive Immunotherapy.Issels Treatment is based on the concept that malignant tumors do not develop within a healthy body that has an intact defense and repair function. The tumours develop in a special internal environment which helps promote their growth and can continue even after removal of the tumour.
Therapy includes: detoxification, nutritional support, vaccines, supplementation of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, Chelation Therapy, acupuncture, massage therapy, counselling, Oxygen/Ozone Therapy, and light therapy.
The treatment is not meant to replace conventional care, but to be used with it, placing equal importance on the removal of the tumour itself and on treating the cause and conditions that lead to its growth to stop reoccurrences.
History: Dr. Josef Issels founded the first hospital in Europe specializing in the immunobiological treatment of cancer in 1951 where he was the Medical Director and Director of Research. Here he treated more than 15,000 patients with advanced cancers of the breast, prostate, uterus, lung, liver, brain, colon, lymphomas, sarcomas and leukaemia, many of whom had exhausted conventional treatments.
In 1970 the hospital expanded from 80 to 120 patient beds and had to expand its extensive research facilities such as the immunological, microbiological and dental departments, as well as the hyperthermia department. The Hospitals programmes included research on tumour vaccines, mycoplasma vaccines, and bacterial vaccines inducing fever, hyperthermia and nutritional immunotherapy.
During the years from 1981 to 1987, Dr Issels was an expert member and advisor to the Commission of the German Federal Government in the Fight Against Cancer.He published three monographs and presented many papers to national and international medical congresses.
Treatment Cost: 2000-3000(US dollar)
Treatment Package: 3 months treatment.Not included: flights, accommodation, purchasing a fruit and vegetable juicer.
Weblink(s): Innovative Immunotherapy at the Issels Treatment Centre
Innovative Immunotherapy at the Issels Treatment Centre
Issels fever
Cancer- A second opinion by Josef Issels MD
Practitioners that offer this treatment:
Dr Christian Issels (Phoenix, United States Of America)
Dr Waldraut Fryda (, Germany)
Organisations that offer this treatment:
Akbar Clinic (Panama City Clinic) (Panama City, Panama)
Oasis of Hope/ Contreras Clinic (Playas de Tijuana, Mexico)
Issels Foundation Inc (Scottsdale, United States Of America)
Issels Medical Center AZ (Phoenix, United States Of America)
Issels Medical Center CA (Santa Barbara, United States Of America)
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Cancers Treated: Lung, Leukaemia, Bowel, Stomach, Prostate, Breast, Oesophagael, Liver, Small cell Lung, Colon/rectal, Ovarian, Mouth, Throat, Pancreatic, Kidney, Brain, Hodgkinsons Disease, Cervical (metastatic), Lymphoma (metastatic), Melanoma (metastatic), Hodgkinsons Disease (metastatic)
Evidence Level: No Status [more info]
Description: Krestin also known as polysaccharide K (PSK) is a proprietary product derived from Coriolus versicolor (inedible mushroom). It grows on tree trunks and belongs to Basidiomycetes class.
PSK was developed for cancer treatment in Japan and has been approved as supplementary treatment for digestive system, lung and nasopharyngeal (part of pharynx over roof of mouth) cancers. PSK among other polysaccharides like PSP belongs to the compound found in Coriolus versicolor called proteoglycans (aka beta-glucans, a macromolecule) and is well studied. The proteoglycan compounds are thought to be responsible for its immunostimulant and anticancer activities.
One of the several actions of PSK is to restore the immune response by producing antibodies and cytokines. It also improves the impaired anti-tumour activity of natural killer cells, T cells, macrophages, neutrophils and peripheral blood lymphocytes. In addition it inhibits the decline of the immunocompetence during the perioperative (around the time of surgery) period. It also inhibits the growth of residual tumours following cryoablation (use of liquid nitrogen to freeze a particular organ to extremely low temperatures to kill the diseased tissue including cancer cells).
PSK also appears to have some immune boosting properties in people having chemotherapy, and may lessen some side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. PSK is also believed to be a strong antioxidant, a compound that blocks the action of activated oxygen molecules, known as free radicals that can damage cells.
PSK seems to work in multiple steps of the malignant process by inhibiting adhesion, invasion, motility, and metastatic growth of tumour cells in animal models of cancer. PSK has also induced apoptosis (programmed cell death) in lymphoma, leukemia and pancreatic cells.
History: In Japan Coriolus Versicolor is known as Kawaratake (mushroom by the river bank), and in China it is called Yun Zhi or cloud fungus. In the west it is known as turkey tail . It has been used as a traditional Asian medicine for centuries. Coriolus versicolor was recorded in the Compedium of Materia Medica by Li Shi Zhen during the Ming Dynasty of China (1368-1644).
In a 1965 Japanese report a patient with stomach cancer benefited from drinking a tea, Saru-no-koshikake, that contained this mushroom. Subsequent laboratory and animal research identified the source of the tea s antitumour effects to be two polysaccharides (PSK & PSP) which are chemically related.
In the 1980s, the Japanese government approved the use of PSK for treating several types of cancers. In Japan, PSK is a best-selling anticancer drug and it is currently used as a cancer treatment along with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. PSP was discovered more recently, and has been studied mainly in China.
Notes: Not to be taken while being treated with orthodox medicine for Leukaemia.PSK has been associated with side effects of gastrointestinal upset and darkening of the fingernails, but these effects have been limited and general safety has been demonstrated with daily oral doses for longer periods of time. It does not seem to interact with hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes involved in the chemical processing of most chemotherapy agents, and no genetic damage has been detected by the Ames test (a test for determining if a chemical is a mutagen).
Although PSK is available without prescription in the United States, it is usually not found in health food stores. Through special suppliers to the medical profession, however, PSK can be obtained from doctors of natural medicine. Most but not all Coriolus versicolor extracts contain less than the high level of active ingredient (at least 30% protein-bound polysaccharides) found in PSK.PSK is the only commercial Coriolus product that contains nitrogen. These critical quality control factors are carefully monitored by JHS Natural Products.
The PSK available through JHS is assayed by the University of Georgia, Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, (Supported in part by the Department of Energy-funded (DE-FG09-93ER-20097) Center for Plant and Microbial Complex Carbohydrates.) UK customers of JHS can order through The Nutri Centre.Also you can get Coriolus versicolor biomass powder form from Mycology Research Laboratory which has now been granted an organic certification.
Treatment Cost: 32.50(UK pound)
Treatment Package: 100ml bottle Postage not included
Weblink(s): General information
General information
American Botanical Council
American Botanical Council
General information
General information
Nutri Centre
JHS Natural Products
Practitioners that offer this treatment:
Dr Damien Downing (York, United Kingdom)
Organisations that offer this treatment:
Really Healthy Company (The) (London, United Kingdom)
Fruiting Bodies (Llangadog, United Kingdom)
Atlanta Intergrative medical (Atlanta, United States Of America)
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Cancers Treated: Lung, Bowel, Stomach, Prostate, Breast, Oesophagael, Liver, Small cell Lung, Colon/rectal, Ovarian, Mouth, Throat, Cervical, Pancreatic, Kidney, Brain, Lymphoma (metastatic), Melanoma (metastatic), Hodgkinsons Disease (metastatic), Leukaemia (metastatic)
Evidence Level: Status Unclear [more info]
Summary: Normally given intravenously as part of a programme of Metabolic Therapy, B17 (Laetrile, Amygdalin) is a non-toxic extract of apricot kernels that have been broken down by enzymes found in cancer cells. Cyanide, one of the products of this reaction, then has a cytotoxic (cell destroying) action on the cancer cells.
Description: Laetrile is found in numerous foods including the seeds of apricots, apples, cherries, plums, peaches and also in brown rice. buckwheat,walnuts and watercress.In our normal cells, the mitochondria use oxygen to produce energy. In cancer cells this differs as they have a different energy production system and also contain differnet enzymes.
When Laetrile(B17) enters a cancer cell, the enzyme glucosidase breaks it down into hydrogen cyanide which then destroys it. This break down does not happen in healthy cells making Laetrile harmless to them.Over dosing can be an issue as cyanide by-products can build up in the liver resulting in cycanide poisioning if excess is consumed. When amygdalin is purified and concentrated for use with cancer patients it is called Laetrile.
History: Amygdalin was first isolated in 1830. It was used as an anti-cancer treatment during the mid 1800s in Russia. A father/son team isolated a purified form and called it laetrile.
Notes: The Cancer Control Society 213-663-7801 provide practioners in US
Treatment Cost: ()
Treatment Package:
Weblink(s): Fountain of life info on Laetrile
Is cancer merely a vitamin deficiency disease?
Practitioners that offer this treatment:
Dr Jose Henriquez (, Mexico)
Organisations that offer this treatment:
WWHealthcare (London, United Kingdom)
Integrative Whole Health Clinic (IWHC) (, Mexico)
Biocare (IBC) (Fraccionamiento Del Prado, Mexico)
Cyto Pharma de Mexico (Tijuana B.C, Mexico)
CHIPSA-Centre For integrated Medicine (Tijuana, Mexico)
Stella Maris Clinic (Tijuana, Mexico)
Kelowna Naturopathic Clinic (Kelowna, Canada)
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Cancers Treated: Lung, Leukaemia, Bowel, Stomach, Prostate, Breast, Oesophagael, Liver, Small cell Lung, Colon/rectal, Ovarian, Mouth, Throat, Pancreatic, Kidney, Brain, Cervical (metastatic), Lymphoma (metastatic), Melanoma (metastatic), Hodgkinsons Disease (metastatic)
Evidence Level: No Status [more info]
Description: Maitake (Grifola frondosa) is the Japanese name for a very large edible mushroom, characterized by overlapping caps. It is easily recognizable because of its grey-brown, fan-shaped, wavy caps which are organized in large clusters of rosettes. The surface of the pores are yellowish-white and run down the stem system. The stem branches are smooth, white, and tough.
Maitake is increasingly being recognized with a health-promoting potential.Aside from being high in nutrients including riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C & D, magnesium,potassium and fibre; the fruiting bodies of maitake contain the polysaccharide compound called beta glucan (consisting mainly of beta D glucan) also referred to as D-fraction. Beta glucan has the ability to lower blood pressure.
Additionally, it naturally stimulates the immune system and for this reason, that beta glucans from Maitake mushrooms are used for the treatment of cancer. It works by stimulating the activity of several types of immune cells (including macrophages and natural killer cells) which in turn trigger production of interleukins and other lymphokines (chemicals that help mediate the immune response). In addition, maitake mushroom inhibits some of the biochemical mechanisms that promote metastasis of cancer cells in the lymph and bloodstream.
In animal studies maitake D-fraction was highly effective in either inhibiting cell growth or directly killing cancer cells by increasing proliferation, differentiation and activation of immunocompetent cells. This result provides a potential clinical benefit for patients with cancer. Similar studies are now being conducted in humans. Maitake s extract is available in powder form or tincture and is well absorbed when taken orally. It is being used alongside chemotherapy.
History: Maitake can be found growing in the mountains of north eastern Japan. The Japanese name Maitake is associated with its shape, which some believe resembles a dancing nymph. It is also believed that this name comes from Dancing Fungus because the person who finds it dances with joy.
The scientific name (grifola frondosa) comes from the griffin, the beast from Greek mythology with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion, and frondosa meaning leaflike. In early years maitake was so valued it was worth its weight in silver. Even in recent times it is believed that maitake hunters have been known to jealousy guard the location of their maitake grounds, sometimes revealing secret spots only in a will.
The maitake mushroom is a plant that is very sensitive to environmental changes making it a very difficult plant to cultivate outside of it natural surrounding. However, Japanese farmers have discovered new ways to cultivate the plant in captivity making it easier for both Japan and the U.S. to cultivate maitake.Maitake is used as a Chinese medicine called Keisho. It has been frequently used for improving spleen and stomach ailments, calming nerves and mind, and treating haemorrhoids.
Historically it has been used as a tonic and as food to help promote wellness and vitality.In the early 1980s the Japanese mycologist Hioraki Nanba of the Pharmaceutical University at Kobe was studying various medicinal mushrooms. He came to the conclusion that the polysaccharides in maitake have a unique structure and were among the most powerful to be studied.
Notes: Not to be taken while being treated with orthodox medicine for Leukaemia.Side effects are usually limited to mild indigestion and/or loose stools. Because little is known about how maitake affects the foetus or infants, women who are pregnant or nursing should consult a medical professional before using maitake supplement.
Maitake can also be consumed in the diet or taken in tea. The fruit body of the maitake mushroom is much higher in polysaccharide (beta-D glucan) content than the mycelium.Wild Maitake has a good taste, a crisp texture, and an excellent aroma. It is considered a first-rank edible mushroom. It can be harvested from September to October.Maitake Product Inc. was formed in 1991 and is devoted to maitake research for use as a food supplement. It has already been under trial for advanced breast and prostate cancer patients with an Investigational New Drug (IND) grant by the FDA.
Yukiguni Maitake Co Ltd formed in 1983 is the largest maitake producer. The company produced organically grown and kosher certified maitake mushrooms and is marketed under the trade name MaitakeGold 404 in the USA. Their product was used in most of the published scientific research (2005) conducted by Hioraki NanbLess effective: bone cancer, stomach, acute leukemia.
Treatment Cost: 32.50(UK pound)
Treatment Package: 100 ml bottlePostage not included
Weblink(s): Yukiguni Mitake Co Ltd
Maitake Product Inc
Practitioners that offer this treatment:
Mr Martin Milner (Portland, United States Of America)
Dr Damien Downing (York, United Kingdom)
Dr Etienne Callebout (London, United Kingdom)
Organisations that offer this treatment:
Utopia Valley (, United Kingdom)
Fruiting Bodies (Llangadog, United Kingdom)
Nutrition Marketplace ( Kirkby in Ashfield,, United Kingdom)
Maitake Products Inc (East Rutherford, United States Of America)
Yukiguni Maitake Corporation of America (Middletown, United States Of America)
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Cancers Treated: Leukaemia, Stomach, Breast, Liver, Small cell Lung, Colon/rectal, Ovarian, Pancreatic, Bowel (metastatic), Cervical (metastatic), Kidney (metastatic), Lung (metastatic), Lymphoma (metastatic), Melanoma (metastatic), Hodgkinsons Disease (metastatic), Mouth (metastatic), Prostate (metastatic), Throat (metastatic)
Evidence Level: Well Researched [more info]
Summary: Developed on an insight by Australian philosopher Rudolf Steiner, Iscador is administered by subcutaneous injection, often over many years. It acts by both stimulating a natural immune response and directly attacking cancer cells.
Description: Mistletoe is a semi-parasitic plant that has been used for many years to treat numerous human ailments. A liquid extract containing key medicinal components has been used mainly in Europe and parts of Asia to treat cancer in the form of an injectable prescription drug.
Injections are given to the patient three to seven times a week in the morning, with doses adjusted over time. They are given either near or sometimes directly into the tumor and treatment can last from several months to years. Mistletoe (or Iscador) preparation is used to help correct the imbalance in cell division and growth, possibly enhancing the immune system and inhibiting tumor cell growth.
History: Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) founder of the Society for Cancer Research in Switzerland, first introduced Iscador as a treatment for cancer in 1920. According to Steiner, tumor growth represented an error in the regulation of the physical or spiritual body. He considered Iscador to stimulate the immune system and promote the reversion of cancerous cells so rectifying its so called error.
Notes: Iscador is available on the NHS for the standard prescription cost, prescribed by doctors at homeopathic hospitals/departments that fall within the NHS. Hospitals are located in Bristol, Glasgow, Tunbridge Wells, Liverpool and London. Your GP or consultant can refer you.
Treatment Cost: ()
Treatment Package:
Weblink(s): Annie Appleseed Project
BC Cancer Agency (Canada)
National Cancer Institute (USA)
Natural Health Line (USA)
Whole Health MD
Information on Mistletoe
Whole Health MD
Natural Health Line (USA)
National Cancer Institute (USA)
BC Cancer Agency (Canada)
Annie Appleseed Project
Die Mistel
Iscador: Mistletoe in Cancer Therapy
Mistletoe Therapy for Cancer: Prevention, Treatment and Healing by by Johannes Wilkens (Author),
Gert Bohm (Author), Peter Clemm (Translator)
Mistletoe makes further gains by Ralph Moss
Mistletoe makes further gains part 2 by Ralph Moss
Practitioners that offer this treatment:
Dr Peter Fisher (London, United Kingdom)
Dr Michael Wetzler (London, United Kingdom)
Dr A.U Ramakrishnan (, United Kingdom)
Dr Peter Gruenwald (London, United Kingdom)
Dr Maurice Orange (Tonbridge, United Kingdom)
Dr Garrett Swetlikoff (Kelowna, Canada)
Dr Etienne Callebout (London, United Kingdom)
Dr Stefan Geider (Bieldside, United Kingdom)
Dr Elizabeth Thompson (Bristol, United Kingdom)
Dr Nasri (, Canada)
Dr David Reilly (Glasgow, United Kingdom)
Dr Durenfeld (, Canada)
Dr Sosie Kassab (London, United Kingdom)
Dr Nicola Hembry (Clifton, United Kingdom)
Organisations that offer this treatment:
WWHealthcare (London, United Kingdom)
CLAN (Aberdeen, United Kingdom)
Camphill Medical Practice (Bieldside, United Kingdom)
The Filderklinik (Bonlanden Near Stuttgart, Germany)
Physicians' Association for Anthroposophic Medicine (Ann Arbor, United States Of America)
Rudolf Steiner Health Center (Ann Arbor, United States Of America)
Paracelsus Clinic- Lustmuhle (Lustmuhle, Switzerland)
Klinik St. George (Bad Aibling, Germany)
Litfield House Medical Centre (Clifton, United Kingdom)
Stella Maris Clinic (Tijuana, Mexico)
San Diego Clinic (San Diego, United States Of America)
Aeskulap (Brunnen, Switzerland)
Lukas Clinic (Arlesheim, Switzerland)
Serafin Naturheilpraxis AG (Schweiz, Switzerland)
Humlegaarden- Denmark (Humlebaek, Denmark)
Nasri Chelation Clinic (Barrie, Canada)
Weleda UK Ltd (Ilkeston, United Kingdom)
Villa Medica Clinic for Holistic Medicine (Edenkoben, Germany)
Kelowna Naturopathic Clinic (Kelowna, Canada)
Community Supported Anthroposophical Medicine (Ann Arbor, United States Of America)
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Cancers Treated: Prostate
Evidence Level: Well Researched [more info]
Summary: Pau darco from the Tabebuia genus is native of Brazil used traditionally to treat a wide range of conditions including Candida yeast infection, viral respiratory infections, bacterial and parasitic infections, infectious diarrhoea, pain, arthritis, inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis), fever, dysentery, boils and ulcers, and various cancers.
Description: The Tabebuia grows in the warm parts of Central and South America. It is mainly exported from Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil. Most Pau darco comes from a tree in the Amazon rain forest called Tabebuia avellanedae. Although some would claim that Tabebui impetiginosa from Paraguay is better.It is the inner bark (not the heartwood) that has been used traditionally for medicinal purposes. This is due to the nutrients and other natural chemical substances used to sustain the life of the tree being found in greatest concentration in the cambium layer and phloem of the living bark.
There are over 20 constituents identified in Tabebuia avellanedae. One of them is a chemical compound collectively known as a naphthoquinones of which lapachol is one and is the subject of interest for most scientists. In lapachol another compound called beta-lapachone is extracted. Several scientific studies on animals showed that beta-lapachone (in a dose dependent fashion), possesses anti-cancer and anti-viral properties.
The study was repeated recently (2006) on human umbilical cord endothelial cells in vitro and it showed similar effects.One of the functions of Beta-lapachone is by disrupting DNA replication in the following manner. Topoisomerase I is an enzyme that unwinds the DNA that makes up the chromosomes. The chromosomes must be unwound in order for the cell to use the genetic information to synthesize proteins; beta-lapachone keeps the chromosomes wound tight, and so the cell cant make proteins.
As a result, the cell stops growing. Because cancer cells grow and reproduce at a much faster rate than normal cells, they are more vulnerable to topoisomerase inhibition than are normal cells. Hence the interest from pharmaceutical groups to produce a drug similar to beta-lapachone because of its potential anti-cancer benefit.
History: Pau darco has a long been used by the indigenous people of the rainforest to treat various diseases. There are also reports that it might have been used by the Incas. In modern times, there have been many anecdotal reports about its beneficial effects in the treatment of cancer.
In the early 1960s a girl from Sao Paulo, Brazil, was treated for cancer by an aunt who had been given a small bag of bark from the Pau darco tree by an Indian medicine man. The girl was in considerable pain and her cancer had been declared incurable, but the tea apparently cured her cancer.
About the same decade a physician in Brazil, Dr Orlando de Santi after hearing a tale of its miraculous curative powers, used Pau d arco to treat his brother who was lying in a Santa Andre, Brazil hospital, dying of cancer. His brother recovered, and the physician, began to use the herb to treat cancer patients at the hospital.
Another South American physician, Dr. Prats Ruiz, reported that he had successfully treated three cases of leukemia with pau darco tea in the mid-1960s. In one case a five-year-old girl was terminally ill with leukemia; after two months of treatment with the herbal preparation, her blood count returned to normal.
Following these anecdotal reports researchers tried to isolate the active ingredient in pau darco tea and conduct scientific studies on animals. In fact one compound (abbreviated as NFD) extracted from Tabebuia avellanedae was successfully patented in the US as an anti-tumor agent (Patent No: 5,663,197) in September 2, 1997 by Ueda et. al. This is commercially produced by Taheebo Japan Co Ltd.The above anecdotal reports from Pau d arco s history was extracted from Daniel Mowrey s (Phd) article.
Notes: Beware! There are some national institutions that do not support the use of Pau D Arco. According to these institutions, there is not enough consistent scientific evidence on human subjects to prove its effectivity.
But bear in mind that, scientific studies normally tested substances in isolation whereas there are several active constituents in any one herb which act synergistically to determine the healing power of that herb. Likewise there are also national institutions which keep an open mind about Pau d arco.
All herbs should be taken with care, under the supervision of a qualified practitioner knowledgeable in the field of botanical medicine. Generally speaking herbs contain active ingredients that might interact with other herbs, food supplements or general medication. Although at the time of writing there are no reports in the scientific literature to suggest that Pau d arco interacts with any conventional medications.
Orally, Pau d arco causes severe nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, dizziness, anaemia and increases the risk of bleeding when used in high doses. It is however, generally safe to drink Pau darco tea and take Pau darco extract at the recommended dosages.
In addition, there are about 100 species of Tabebui and there are imitations available on the market. Make sure the Pau d arco is from the inner bark of either Tabebui avellanedae or Tabebuia impetiginosa species. These are the two types that have been studied scientifically and possess superior medicinal properties.
Wisdom Herbs formerly called Wisdom of the Ancients is a known manufacturer of herbal teas including Pau d arco from the inner bark of Tabebui impetiginosa. Some suppliers repackage their tea, therefore make a point of asking where they source their tea from in your area. Make sure it is 100% pure Tabebui impetiginosa. (word count 285)
Treatment Cost: 5.99(UK pound)
Treatment Package: 40 tea bags
Weblink(s): N/A
Organisations that offer this treatment:
Goodness Direct (, United Kingdom)
Rio Health Direct (Brighton, United Kingdom)
Wisdom Herbs (Gilbert, United States Of America)
Bodykind (Chadderton, United Kingdom)
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Cancers Treated: Breast
Evidence Level: No Status [more info]
Description: Pfeifer s breast Protocol is a treatment of natural supplements which include Indol-3-Carbinol, Biobran and Imusan.Indol-3-Carbinol (I-3-C) is found in cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli and bok choy. When treating breast cancer, large amounts of I-3-C are required, so it is extracted.
In experimental, pre-clinical studies in animals and humans, it has been shown that I-3-C and its metabolites possess anti-carcinogenic effects. It helps reduce blood concentration of oestrogen metabolite associated with breast and endometrial cancer and reduces growth rate of cancer cells. Daily supplements of 400-600 mg.
Biobran is a natural food preparation derived from pre-digested rice bran which has been exposed to Shitake mushroom enzymes. This powerful immune booster stimulates the activity of T and B cells, particularly the NK (natural killer) cells which form our first line of defence in our immune system.Imusan is an herbal extract mix made from 15 medicinal plants.
In controlled conditions, it inhibits cancer cell division, increasing the NK cells. It is taken by many cancer patients as a complementary phytotherapy (use of plants/plant extracts for medicinal purposes). Sometimes Dr. Pfeifer adds TMAZ Zeolite, a powdered mineral supplement that boosts immune function, to assist patients that are not responding well to his treatment.This therapy is relatively new and needs time to work. Professor Pfeifer works alongside conventional treatment.
History: Professor Pfeifer, a Swiss oncologist, is Director of Clinical Research at Aeskulap Clinic in Switzerland. Around 10 years ago he started investigating plant-based medicines, phytotherapy and their effects. Pfeifer and his colleague Ulrich Kratzer have published clinical findings on their Prostate protocol findings using Prostasol.
Treatment Cost: ()
Treatment Package:
Weblink(s): Complementary & Natural Healthcare Expo 2006
Biobran information website
Practitioners that offer this treatment:
Dr Etienne Callebout (London, United Kingdom)
Dr John D Moran (London, United Kingdom)
Prof Ben Pfeifer (Brunnen, Switzerland)
Organisations that offer this treatment:
Aeskulap (Brunnen, Switzerland)
Really Healthy Company (The) (London, United Kingdom)
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Cancers Treated: Prostate, Prostate (metastatic), Prostate (metastatic), Prostate
Evidence Level: No Status [more info]
Summary: Pfeifer s Prostate Protocol is a treatment of natural health supplements which include herbs, glyco-nutrients, vitamins and minerals which are in the form of commercially available food supplements. The vitamins replenish the body s depleted supply aiding with prostate function and health.
An anti-inflamatory and antioxidant compound is taken to aid with absorption and a blend of herbs replicates that of many synthetic drugs, inhibiting the growth of tumour cells. A powerful immune booster is taken to stimulate the activity of natural killer cells which are responsible for our immune system defence.
Description: Pfeifer s Protocol is a treatment of natural health supplements which include herbs, glyco-nutrients, vitamins and minerals. These come in the commercial form of:Imupros- Vitamins C, E and D3, Zinc, Calcium, Selenium, Ginseng, Lycopene and green tea. These replenish the body s depleted vitamins and minerals, aiding with prostate function and health.
Curcumin Complex contains turmeric which is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound, resveratol, a plant compound derived from red grapes and black pepper to aids with absorption.Prostasol, a herbal food preparation containing saw palmetto, pygeum, reish, beta sisterol, ginger, nettles, skullcap and other compounds.This blend of herb action, replicates that of many synthetic drugs, inhibiting the growth of tumour cells.
Biobran is a natural food preparation derived from pre-digested rice bran which have been exposed to Shitake mushroom enzymes. This powerful immune booster stimulates the activity of T and B cells, particularly the NK ( natural killer) cells which form our first line of defence in our immune system. Sometimes Dr. Pfeifer adds TMAZ Zeolite, a powdered mineral supplement that boosts immune function, to assist patients that are not responding well to his treatment.
History: Professor Pfeifer, a Swiss oncologist, is Director of Clinical Research at Aeskulap Clinic in Switzerland. Around 10 years ago he started investigating plant-based medicines, phytotherapy and their effects.
In 2005, Pfeifer and his colleage Ulrich Kratzer published a clinical evaluation of Prostasol which was based on 175 patients. Two-thirds had recorded significant reduction in PSA and tumour size.Professor Tim Oliver , an oncologist at St. Bartholomew s and the Royal London NHS Trust in the UK, is currently running a small trial treating 10 patients with advanced prostate cancer. Findings are to be published Spring 2007.
Treatment Cost: 500(UK pound)
Treatment Package: One month supply of supplements. Taken until PSA drops.Consultation fee.
Weblink(s): Clear feed
Telegraph newspaper article
Lost in the cancer maze- times newspaper article
Prostate Cancer Now
Information and research site on Biobran
Male Health forum- Ben Pfeifer
Natural Prostate and Breast Cancer Protocols
Curcumin/turmeric information
Information on Pfeifer prostate protocols
Dr Pfeifer seminar transcript 2005
Practitioners that offer this treatment:
Dr John D Moran (London, United Kingdom)
Dr Etienne Callebout (London, United Kingdom)
Prof Ben Pfeifer (Brunnen, Switzerland)
Organisations that offer this treatment:
Aeskulap (Brunnen, Switzerland)
Really Healthy Company (The) (London, United Kingdom)
Holistic Medical Clinic (London, United Kingdom)
High Tree Medical Clinic (Uckfield, United Kingdom)
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Cancers Treated: Bowel, Stomach, Prostate, Breast, Oesophagael, Liver, Small cell Lung, Colon/rectal, Melanoma, Mouth, Throat, Pancreatic, Pancreatic, Throat, Mouth, Melanoma, Colon/rectal, Small cell Lung, Liver, Oesophagael, Breast, Prostate, Stomach, Bowel
Evidence Level: No Status [more info]
Summary: A photosynthesising (light activated drug) is first administered to patients followed by irradiation of cancerous tissue with laser light, which converts the drug into a powerful cytotoxic (cell destroying). This treatment is applicable to a wide range of cancers.
Description: Photodynamic Therapy takes advantage of a chemical interaction between light and a light-activated drug (photosensitiser) to start a series of chemical reactions that kill tumours. With modern photosynthesisers, certain physiological properties of tumour tissue can be exploited to retain high concentrations of the drug in cancerous tissues only.
Cytoluminescent Therapy (CLT) is a recent development in the field of Photodynamic Therapy that uses a specific extract of chlorophyll A, trade name Photoflora as its photosensitiser. Photoflora can be given to a patient orally and accumulates selectively in tumour sites and is cleared from the skin between 24-48 hours so that sun sensitivity is not a problem.
Previous photosensitisers required the use of lasers, but Photoflora is a whole body treatment with the use of a specialized light bed to sensitize the agent. The agent used is sensitive to ultrasound as well as to red light, therefore allowing deeper penetration.
The treatment can be often repeated as Photfloras abiity to keep photosensitive can last up to 90 days.Advanced tumours are treated slowly to avoid rapid breakdown.This method shows much promise but would still be described by medical authorities as experimental and unproven.PDT has now an established evidence base whilst CLT is largely untrialled.
History: Therapeutic properties of light have been known and used for thousands of years. Indian, ancient Egyptian and Chinese civilizations have used light to treat various diseases such as psoriasis, rickets and types of skin cancer.
In Denmark at the end of the nineteenth century, Niels Finsen developed the use of red light to treat smallpox and ultraviolet light to treat tuberculosis. This was the start of modern Light Therapy. Finsen was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1903 for his work.Two German medical students, Oscar Raab and Herman Von Tappeiner went on to further develop this therapy using certain wavelengths.
Notes: Photodynamic Therapy is available on the NHS but will not normally be offered as an option
Treatment Cost: ()
Treatment Package:
Weblink(s): History of photodynamics
Future of photodynamics-american cancer society
Basics of PDT
Information on PDT
Cellular aspects of PDT
How PDT is performed
Centre for photobiology & photodynamics
How CLT works
How PDT is performed
Cellular aspects of PDT
Information on PDT
Basics of PDT
Future of photodynamics-american cancer society
History of photodynamics
Next Generation PDT website
What is Phototdynamic Therapy
Dove CLinic- photodynamic therapy
New light on medicine by Nick Lane
Collection of various articles from New England Journal of Medicine
Practitioners that offer this treatment:
Dr Julian Kenyon (Twyford, United Kingdom)
Prof Noel Campbell (Melbourne, Australia)
Dr Stephen Bown (London, United Kingdom)
Mr Colin Hopper (London, United Kingdom)
Dr Ralph Ballard (Melbourne, Australia)
Organisations that offer this treatment:
Killing Cancer (Woodford, United Kingdom)
National Medical Laser Centre (London, United Kingdom)
Klinik St. George (Bad Aibling, Germany)
Hope Cancer Research Institute (Melbourne, Australia)
ITL Cancer Clinic (Freeport, Bahamas)
Roswell Park Cancer Institute (Buffalo, United States Of America)
BioMed Klinik (Bad Bergzabern , Germany)
Dove Clinic For Integrated Medicine (Twyford, United Kingdom)
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Cancers Treated: Stomach, Prostate, Breast, Oesophagael, Colon/rectal, Melanoma, Bone, Mouth, Throat, Pancreatic, Kidney, Bowel (metastatic)
Evidence Level: Well Researched [more info]
Summary: Tumours are exposed to radio waves whilst a glucose-blocking agent isadministered. The cancer cells normal processes are subverted, inducing cell death.
Description: If the uptake of glucose of a cancer cell can be blocked before and during the application of 434 MHz, a cancer cell will die. This destruction of cells is selective as it acts on the conversion of glucose to lactic acid that occurs only in cancer cells.
The glucose provides energy so the cancer cells can divide without oxygen. Glucose using oxygen controls normal cell division. Cancer is a fault in this control which then makes the cells cancerous.
The blocking agents that are used carry a lot of oxygen with them that fools the cancer cells to take them in as they look like glucose. They are rapidly absorbed by the cancer cells, immediately the microwave therapy commences. The glucose in the cell is burnt by the oxygen carried by the blocking agent and the cancer cell then dies.
The best results have come from 15 treatments held over a three week period. The sessions are for three to four hours a day for five days per week. Patients who have poor veins can have a PICC line (per intravenous cutaneous catheter) inserted in a deep vein in the upper arm that is guided by a radiologist using an ultrasound. When treatment has finished the PICC line can easily be removed.
Throughout the microwave therapy, the infusion of the glucose blocking agent is continuous maintaining a constant blood level. The microwave therapy is then applied to each area of the body where cancer has been detected.
History: Dr. John Holt was born in Bristol, UK around 80 years ago. He is a member of the Royal Colleges and for more than a decade he was in charge of Western Australia s main cancer institute.In 1973 Dr. Holt discovered that ultra high frequency radiowaves of 434 MHz temporarily activated the ability of cancer cells to burn glucose in the absence of oxygen. He has been treating patients with different cancers since the 1970 s using his therapy. Dr Holt has since retired but the therapy is still available.
Treatment Cost: 10500(Aus dollar)
Treatment Package: 1 treatment session for each day, 5 days per week for 3 weeks.Possible
extra costs: pre-treatment consultation, assesment questionnaire, home therapy.Range of costs for main therapy $8500-$10500.
Weblink(s): John Holt - about television programme
Radiowave therapy clinic information
Practitioners that offer this treatment:
Dr Ralph Ballard (Melbourne, Australia)
Prof Noel Campbell (Melbourne, Australia)
Organisations that offer this treatment:
Hope Cancer Research Institute (Melbourne, Australia)
Radiowave Clinic (The) (Claremont, Australia)
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Cancers Treated: Lung, Leukaemia, Bowel, Stomach, Prostate, Breast, Oesophagael, Liver, Small cell Lung, Colon/rectal, Ovarian, Mouth, Throat, Lymphoma, Cervical, Pancreatic, Kidney, Brain, Melanoma (metastatic), Hodgkinsons Disease (metastatic)
Evidence Level: No Status [more info]
Description: Reishi supporters state that when treating cancer, the Reishi mushroom can be effective in boosting the immune defences and reducing the likelihood of metastasis. It can be useful in the form of a supplement during radiotherapy or chemotherapy to reduce side effects such as fatigue, loss of appetite, hair loss and may give a degree of protection from the effects of radiotherapy.
History: Immune system modulation has long been a feature of chinese holistic medicine and is referred to as Fu Zheng Therapy. This is considered as the oriental equivalent of Western Immunotherapy. Compounds from certain medicinal mushrooms are used extensively in the orient to increase disease resistance and to normalise body functions.
Notes: Not to be taken while being treated with orthodox medicine for Leukaemia.
Treatment Cost: 32.50(UK pound)
Treatment Package: 100 ml bottlePostage not included
Weblink(s): General information
General information
American Botanical Council
American Botanical Council
General information
General information
Organisations that offer this treatment:
Utopia Valley (, United Kingdom)
Fruiting Bodies (Llangadog, United Kingdom)
Nutrition Marketplace ( Kirkby in Ashfield,, United Kingdom)
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Cancers Treated: Lung, Leukaemia, Bowel, Stomach, Prostate, Breast, Oesophagael, Liver, Small cell Lung, Colon/rectal, Ovarian, Mouth, Throat, Lymphoma, Pancreatic, Kidney, Cervical (metastatic), Melanoma (metastatic), Hodgkinsons Disease (metastatic)
Evidence Level: No Status [more info]
Description: Shiitake supporters state that this mushroom has an anti-cancer effect due to it containing large amounts of fibre, protein, vitamins B & D and minerals calcium, phosphorous and iron. Used in Japan as an approved treatment for stomach cancer.This extract is taken orally.
History: Immune system modulation has long been a feature of chinese holistic medicine and is referred to as Fu Zheng Therapy. This is considered as the oriental equivalent of Western Immunotherapy. Compounds from certain medicinal mushrooms are used extensively in the orient to increase disease resistance and to normalise body functions.
Notes: Not to be taken while receiving orthodox treatment for Leukaemia.
Treatment Cost: 32.50(UK pound)
Treatment Package: 100 ml bottle of extractPostage not included
Weblink(s): American Botanical Council- Shiitake mushroom therapy
General information
General information
American Botanical Council- Shiitake mushroom therapy
Practitioners that offer this treatment:
Dr Damien Downing (York, United Kingdom)
Organisations that offer this treatment:
Serafin Naturheilpraxis AG (Schweiz, Switzerland)
Fruiting Bodies (Llangadog, United Kingdom)
Nutrition Marketplace ( Kirkby in Ashfield,, United Kingdom)
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Cancers Treated: Lung, Breast, Pancreatic, Kidney, Brain, Bowel (metastatic), Cervical (metastatic), Colon/Rectal (metastatic), Liver (metastatic), Lymphoma (metastatic), Melanoma (metastatic), Hodgkinsons Disease (metastatic), Mouth (metastatic), Ovarian (metastatic), Prostate (metastatic), Small cell lung (metastatic), Stomach (metastatic), Throat (metastatic), Leukaemia (metastatic)
Evidence Level: Status Unclear [more info]
Summary: A type of chemotherapy derived from a combination of two known cytotoxic drugs that are of little use individually, as the doses required for effective anticancer action are too high to be tolerated. However the combination is effective at far lower doses, with few side effects.
Description: Ukrain is a derivative of alkaloids that come from the greater celadine plant. Numerous scientific tests have shown that the preparations can destroy cancer cells through a process called apoptosis (programmed cell death) without harming healthy cells.
Ukrain inhibits the formation of new blood vessels that supply the tumor with nutrients and also through which single tumor cells can migrate to other areas of the body. This leads to a starvation of the tumor and inhibits the formation of metastases.
During the use, Ukrain activates a whole series of highly effective immune system mechanisms in the patient so that the bodys own resources start to combat the tumor.The drug is easy to use and is administered intravenously once a day for 10 days with very little in the way of side effects.
History: Ukrain was first developed in 1978 by Dr. Wassyl J. Nowicky, director of the Ukrain Anti-Cancer Institute of Vienna, who named this therapy after his native country (without the e).
Ukrain has been tested at the National Cancer Institute against 60 different human cancer cell lines and was found to completely inhibit the growth of cancer in 57 of them.
These included leukemia, melanoma, cancers of the lung, colon, brain, ovary, breast and kidney.Investigation of Ukrain Therapy is being continued in Austria, where it is produced, Canada, Germany, France, The Netherlands,Thailand, Swaziland and Switzerland. Only a few alternative practioners offer this therapy in the United States.
Treatment Cost: ()
Treatment Package:
Weblink(s): Moss report newsletter
Ukranian Anticancer Institute
Dove clinic info on Ukrain
Fountain of life info on Ukrain
Ukranian Anticancer Institute
Moss report newsletter
Practitioners that offer this treatment:
Dr Nicola Hembry (Clifton, United Kingdom)
Dr Wendy Denning (London, United Kingdom)
Dr Garrett Swetlikoff (Kelowna, Canada)
Dr B Aschhoff (Edenkoben, Germany)
Dr Julian Kenyon (Twyford, United Kingdom)
Dr Michael Wetzler (London, United Kingdom)
Organisations that offer this treatment:
Health Center (Lisbon, Portugal)
Kelowna Naturopathic Clinic (Kelowna, Canada)
Kroiss Cancer Center for Alternative Cancer Therapy (Vienna, Austria)
Villa Medica Clinic for Holistic Medicine (Edenkoben, Germany)
Dove Clinic For Integrated Medicine (Twyford, United Kingdom)
Integrated Medical Centre (London, United Kingdom)
Litfield House Medical Centre (Clifton, United Kingdom)
High Tree Medical Clinic (Uckfield, United Kingdom)
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Cancers Treated: Vocal cords, Kidney, Brain, Bowel (metastatic), Breast (metastatic), Cervical (metastatic), Colon/Rectal (metastatic), Liver (metastatic), Lung (metastatic), Lymphoma (metastatic), Melanoma (metastatic), Hodgkinsons Disease (metastatic), Oesophagael (metastatic), Ovarian (metastatic), Pancreatic (metastatic), Prostate (metastatic), Small cell lung (metastatic), Stomach (metastatic), Leukaemia (metastatic)
Evidence Level: Status Unclear [more info]
Summary: Normally given intravenously as part of a programme of Metabolic Therapy. Apart from boosting the immune functions, Vitamin C can act as a cytoxic (cell destroying) chemotherapeutic agent by converting harmful free radicals into hydrogen peroxide.
Description: Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. Unlike most mammals, humans do not have the ability to make their own vitamin C, therefore we must obtain it through our diet.
Vitamin C is required for the synthesis of collagen, an important structural component of blood vessels, tendons, ligaments, and bone. Vitamin C is also a highly effective antioxidant.
Even in small amounts vitamin C can protect indispensable molecules in the body, such as proteins, lipids (fats), carbohydrates, and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) from damage by free radicals and reactive oxygen species. These can be generated during normal metabolism as well as through exposure to toxins and pollutants (e.g. smoking).
Vitamin C may also be able to regenerate other antioxidants such as vitamin E. As an antioxidant it has shown that it can be used to destroy cancer cells in a non-toxic way when used in very large doses. This can only be achieved by intravenous use.
Vitamin C acts in the following manner to kill cancer. Normal cells contain the enzyme Catalase, which breaks down hydrogen peroxide, a toxic metabolic by product. Cancer cells do not have any Catalase. Vitamin C tends to concentrate in cancer cells when given at high doses, thereby destroying these cancer cells. Vitamin C alone kills RNA and DNA viruses, which contain pro Oncogenes, which can induce cancer in normal infected cells.
Vitamin C also enhances the production of collagen, which will encircle the cancer and prevent its expansion and spread to neighbouring and distant sites (metastasis). Vitamin C therapy can be used in any stage of cancer. It involves daily intravenous administration of vitamin C up to 75g for three weeks. Generally speaking, patients might feel tiredness due to the destruction of many cancer cells.
History: About 30 years ago, Dr. Pauling (twice nobel prize winner and considered the Father of Vitamin C) suggested to Ewan Cameron, a Scottish surgeon, that he administer 10 grams of vitamin C a day to patients with advanced cancer for whom conventional treatments had ceased to be of benefit.
Over an 8-year period, 500 patients with varying stages and types of cancer were treated with vitamin C therapy. The initial observation showed those receiving 10 grams of vitamin C a day improved their state of well-being, as measured by increased appetite and mental alertness, as well as a decreased need for pain-killing drugs. A retrospective analysis of the study showed that those using vitamin C lived considerably longer than those not supplemented.
In addition, Vitamin C therapy for cancer was discovered by accident by Dr Abraham Hoffer, a psychiatrist, (Director of Psychiatric Research University Hospital in Saskatoon) in 1960 when treating a retired psychotic professor.
The retired professor also had bronchiogenic carcinoma of the lung and when he became psychotic it was concluded he had secondaries in his brain. The professor was placed in terminal care and expected to die within a month or so. With Vitamin C treatment, he lived about 30 months after he was diagnosed terminal. When he died it was not from cancer.
Having treated several psychiatric patients with tumours by chance and after receiving a positive response, Dr Hoffer then decided to change his professional career from psychiatry to treating cancer patients in a complementary way and set up a practice in Victoria.
Since then, he has worked with Dr Linus Pauling in the treatment of cancer.Clinics in selected countries now offer Vitamin C therapy but operate differently depending on client s requirement.
Notes: Vitamin C has also been shown to help benefit individuals receiving radiotherapy. Patients have reported that they have suffered less anemia, pain, loss of weight and loss of appetite.Many doctors and patients are aware of a much publicised trial which appeared to demonstrate that it is inadvisable to take Vitamin C whilst receiving chemotherapy. This has since been shown to be invalid.( See Ralph moss link)
Treatment Cost: 3,140(UK pound)
Treatment Package: 5 days a week for 3 weeks
Weblink(s): Langley Family Health Clinic
Abraham Hoffer
Dove clinic info on Vitamin C therapy
Abraham Hoffer
Langley Family Health Clinic
Ralph moss report
Cancer Monthly
Vitamin C Foundation
Practitioners that offer this treatment:
Dr Nicola Hembry (Clifton, United Kingdom)
Dr Julian Kenyon (Twyford, United Kingdom)
Dr Abraham Hoffer (Victoria, Canada)
Dr Michael Wetzler (London, United Kingdom)
Dr Damien Downing (York, United Kingdom)
Dr Matthew Jack (Clifton Campfull, United Kingdom)
Dr Trossel (London, United Kingdom)
Dr Ralph Ballard (Melbourne, Australia)
Dr Garrett Swetlikoff (Kelowna, Canada)
Dr Wendy Denning (London, United Kingdom)
Dr Rajendra Sharma (London, United Kingdom)
Organisations that offer this treatment:
Hope Cancer Research Institute (Melbourne, Australia)
Leo J. Bolles Clinic (Bellevue, United States Of America)
Aidan Inc (Tempe, United States Of America)
Kelowna Naturopathic Clinic (Kelowna, Canada)
Villa Medica Clinic for Holistic Medicine (Edenkoben, Germany)
BioMed Klinik (Bad Bergzabern , Germany)
Dove Clinic For Integrated Medicine (Twyford, United Kingdom)
Nasri Chelation Clinic (Barrie, Canada)
Munro Hall Clinic (Stagsden, United Kingdom)
Meditrine Naturopathic Medical Clinic (Langley, Canada)
Integrated Medical Centre (London, United Kingdom)
Litfield House Medical Centre (Clifton, United Kingdom)
Arterial Disease Clinic (London, United Kingdom)
Vision of Hope Clinic (The) (Brighton, United Kingdom)
High Tree Medical Clinic (Uckfield, United Kingdom)
Biocare (IBC) (Fraccionamiento Del Prado, Mexico)
Integrative Whole Health Clinic (IWHC) (, Mexico)
Rudolf Steiner Health Center (Ann Arbor, United States Of America)
Complementary Medical Clinic (Clifton Campfull, United Kingdom)
WWHealthcare (London, United Kingdom)
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Cancers Treated: Lung, Bowel, Stomach, Prostate, Breast, Oesophagael, Liver, Small cell Lung, Colon/rectal, Ovarian, Melanoma, Mouth, Throat, Cervical, Pancreatic, Kidney, Brain, Lymphoma (metastatic), Hodgkinsons Disease (metastatic), Leukaemia (metastatic)
Summary: Zeolites are a group of minerals which are formed from the lava of ancient volcanoes that have mixed with water from the sea. They have been shown to eliminate heavy metals, toxins and other impurities from the body while assisting the immune system.
Description: Liquid zeolite is a safe and non-toxic supplement that can used on a long term basis. Its molecular structure latches on to and removes heavy metals and cancer causing toxins from the body. Doses can vary widely depending on the condition of the patient.
Notes: When taking zeolite drink plenty of water
Treatment Cost: 29.50 + 1.50 p&p(UK pound)
Treatment Package: Single bottle 15ml dropper bottle (300 drops per bottle)Standard pack 118.00 (UK) + 5.00 p&p for 4x15ml bottles.Cost approximately 1.20 (UK) per day
Weblink(s): Information on liquid zeolite
Self help cancer site- Zeolite Clinoptilolite
Organisations that offer this treatment:
Really Healthy Company (The) (London, United Kingdom)
Say Yes to Health
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